Etsy Shop

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thirsty (for stuff) Thursday - Get Well Soon

     Happy Thursday! Thank you for stopping by! I hope your week has been swell, or at least looking up. I am definitely feeling better and my cough has subsided (finally!). Ooh, I finished reading The Hunger Games yesterday. IT WAS GREAT! I need moar...which is why I am heading over to Borders to purchase the second book Catching Fire. I highly encourage you to check it out.
     Here are a few new goods I have been working on, and more great items from fellow Etsy sellers!

Use the coupon code LOVES4MOM for a 20% discount at my Etsy shoppe: Coconut Head Jewelry

{ThINK Inspiration} $10

{Charming Algae} $10

Last week's illness has inspired this Thursday's Thirsty (for stuff) Thursday's: Get Well Soon
{Blooming- Tea: 5 Assorted Blooms by TableLabs} $8

{E. coli Plush Microbe by scientificculture} $7

{Hand Embroidered Neuron by KittyMD} $15

{Plush Red Blood Cell by FurWillFly} $23

{I Heart Coffee Mug by DailyGrinder} $14

 {Print Eck That's Gross Black Linocut by  thebigharumph} $22

{ by CleanerScience} $7.75

{Handpainted Mug Love Root by Artisvast} $20

{Happy Pill Soap Set by LoveLeeSoaps} $7.50

{Gummy Worm Soaps by NaturesLittleT}  $7.90

{Honey Banana Jam bycupboardcook}$7
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this week's collection! Remember to take care and stay healthy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Make it Monday: Embellish Your Tops

     Happy Make-It Monday! This week I've procures a couple of cute t-tutorials just for you and just in time to spruce up some tops for spring!
 I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Mine was pretty nice despite lots of coughing. I want to thank you if you visited the IPL weblink. the inner geek in me game out and I spent most of the weekend watching Starcraft2 games with the BF.

      Have you heard of the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? It has been all the rage for my family members and a couple of my friends. My Aunt, uncle and cousin gave me a copy for Christmas and, in all honesty, I was reluctant to read it...but now that I've started it its tough to put down! Go figure. It really is a good book so if you're looking for an intriguing read for you nook, kindle, library: The Hunger Games.

On a less geeky note I felt inspired by last week's post and decided to make my own Anthro inspired necklaces and I'm quite pleased with how it came out. I didn't want to buy any supplies...and just kind went with it. I like it!
{Citrus Twist Necklace - Anthropologie}

My Anthro inspired necklace
Lani Twist Necklace!

This week's tutorials come from:
She has a few cute ways to embellish tops you already have!

Hope something inspires you! Thank you for stopping by, it is greatly appreciated! Take care and have a Grrrrrrrreat week!

Friday, April 22, 2011

IGN's Pro League - StarCraft2

Happy Friday! I don't usually post on Fridays but this is a special occasion. My boyfriend works at IGN and he and his team just launched a new egame site for IGN. Here is the promo video (he's at 2:40). If you're interested in the IPL please bookmark the page, if not please stop by anyway to show some support!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thirsty (for stuff) Thursday - Etsy Desirables

I'm incredibly sorry but I've been sick the past few days which has rendered me useless. But I wanted to get this post out because I've been looking forward to this all week!!  Last week I felt inspired to feature shrinky dink artists. So much can be done with shrink plastic and these Estians are able to create wonderful items that are each beautiful and unique. Please take a look at a new necklace in my shoppe, and then proceed to this week's eye candy! WOOHOO!
Red Erlenmeyer Flask Necklace
Onto this week's collection of goodies:

{Humpback Whale Necklace by sadlyharmless} $10
{Jelly Bean Necklace by BrokenFingersArt} $28

{Paisley Cuff by fullofcraft} $24

{Happy Hands Necklace by starsNscars} $13.56

{Bold Aztec Brook Earrings by Botny} $10

{Cute Wrap Around Cat Ring by greenmot} $6.99

{Plastic Xbox Game Controller Earrings by genericdisease} $3.00
{Happy Bread Studs by panduhmonium} $10

{Hot Air Balloon Studs by Coocachoo} $7

{Ceolacanth Pin by hellogaluchka} $8

There you have it! This week's Thirst (for stuff) Thursday: Shrinky dink edition. If you want, please check out the shops they all have fantastic items!

Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate your visit. Please follow if you want to keep updated. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Make it Monday- Anthropologie Necklaces

Click here to access the Coconut Head Jewelry Facebook Page. Dear friend, please like it. You know, you can even click the "Hide All Posts from Coconut Head" if you want...but I would greatly and dearly appreciate it if you did stop by and say hello.

      Happy Monday! Today's Make-it Monday will be comprised of a few crafts. I've stumbled upon this her posts several times at and am constantly impressed. For today's intent and purposes she does a wonderful job of taking jewelry from Anthropologie (one of my favorite, way to expensive for me to actually buy something, stores) and recreates it herself for much less. 

     So, if you love, LOVE, love Anthropologie but don't want to hash out the cash for their goods make it yourself! I'm not much of a necklace wearer but these tutorials definitely make me want to try it out. Oh yeah, and I have a couple new items out in my of which happens to be a necklace!

Green Erlenmeyer Flask Earrings 
$10  They are a little smaller than I normally make them, and they are so fresh and so green,green! <-- I really enjoy typing that.

Teal Erlenmeyer Flask Necklace $10 
Alright, here are the pics and the blog source links will be below them. Most are pretty simple and look just like the actual store product!

{Source: Anthro Pernilla Necklace}

{Source: Anthro Into the Woods Necklace}

{Source for Athro Inspired Necklace }

{Source Anthro Limitless Strands Necklace}

Thank you for stopping by and if you have any questions or comments please pop 'em down below!
Again, I want to thank you for checking out my blog and please 'Follow' if you feel so inclined to do so.  Thank you again and take care! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thirsty (for stuff) Thursday - Marine Mania

       Happy Thursday! To be honest, I have no idea where the week has gone. I thought Tuesday was Thursday but then realized that it wasn't...and that's where I have been all week...floating in the ether. 
ANYWAY, I hope your week has had more structure than mine leading out of the fog of confusion. 
       On a happy note Last night I met my boyfriend's parents :) It was a success! They are very kind people and we got along quite well. 
    Onto Etsy, please meet Bigg-Mac: my latest creature. He is a crab. And would like to be worn rather than eaten...but this was my first attempt using props in Etsy photos. What do you think?

Biggy-Mac Necklace

Biggy-Mac Necklace

     On to this week's theme-- Marine Mania: a collection of items that are reminiscent of the ocean. I wanted to do more than just really pretty jewelry (of which I am a sucker for) so please enjoy a variety of goods from great vendors!
{Yin Yang Goldfish Pendant Necklace by LicketyCut} $20

{Pacific Indian Lily Earrings by KristianaRose} $25

{Glass Lamp Work Beads by radiantmind} $9

{Purple Nautilus Shell Ring by indieboheme} $10
{Seaweed Handmade Thread Earrings by FunkyLobez} $22
{Sea Shell Hair Barretts by LandlockedMermaids} $17.50
{Black Lava Sea Salt Soap by TwinDreamCreations} $4.50
{Octopus Tentacle Pillow by zenthreads} $26

{Feather Hair Extensions by phatcatpatch} $23.99
{Turquoise Necklace by lulieyal} $18

{Bly the Octopus Buddy by LavenderStarlight} $5

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this week's collection.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to email me. Thank you and take care!