Welcome to this week's Make-it-Monday where we'll make an necklace thats easy to make and economical!
Happy Monday! Hopefully you had a pleasant weekend. I went on my first wine bus wit my boyfriend and a large group of friends. We started out in Novato, Ca and then headed out to
Wilson Winery,
Kokomo Winery, and my favorite
Papapietro Perry Winery on our wine bus! Despite the rainy weather it was quite lovely and the wines quite delicious. I'm no wine connoisseur by any means, but I can definitely enjoy a good wine.
I saw a cute necklace at Target last week and didn't particularly feel like spending $20 on something I could make for significantly less. Sorry, I made this and completely forgot to take pics, but the directions are relatively straightforward. So here we go!
What will need:
- Metal Jewelry Chain and jewelry wire cutters
- Michael's Crafts has a wide variety of metal chains that range from $2.99-$3.99 ($1.80-$2.40 with a 40% off coupon)
- Jump rings
- Various sizes can be purchased in one package $2.99
- Beads, string and needle -- make string of beads
- I literally have a box full of beads that I am willing to sell for ridiculously cheap. If you're interested please shoot over an email
- Clasps - some are on sale at my Etsy shoppe
- Embroidery thread - 35cents
- Other alternatives if you want something a little different
Yarn, ribbon, string of pearls, string
Cost= 3.99 (chain) + 2.99 (jump rings) + 0.35 (thread) + 1.80 (beads) = $9.13 not counting coupon discounts. Not too shabby!
- Making it is pretty straightforward-->
- Measure the length of chain, thread to desired length - add an additional 2-3inches for braiding
- Attach jump rings to each end of:
- Bead string
- Chain
- Tie embroidery thread in a knot and slide jump ring in the middle
- Attach smaller jump rings onto a larger one
- braid
- After braiding attach smaller jump rings onto a larger one - this should keep the braid intact.
There you go! I was able to make 2 necklaces with one package of chain (one part in the dark blue necklace, and 2 parts in the necklace above). If you have any questions feel free to comment/email me. Also, please post/email me pics of your make-it Monday projects and I'll post them on the blog!
Thanks for checking in, and have a great day!!