Etsy Shop

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Busy Busy Puff

New items!
Shrink Plastic Microscope Slide Earrings

Purple Pseudo Stained Glass Earrings

Teal Flask Pseudo Stained Glass Earrings

Model 4 Shrink Plastic Monarch Earrings

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bah Humbug!

TIL: It's still a man's world and I'm slowly becoming a cynical and skeptical young old woman.

Despite all of the many good things that have been happening in my life, there have also been a few irritating things too.  To be frank: scientists can be just as catty and selfish as those vapid women on the Housewives of Orange County show.  So, recent bad experiences have scrooged my holiday spirit, and eliciting a strong desire to ruin their experiments...thus the bah humbug!

On a more pleasant note I have new pseudo-stained glass earrings to present due to the high (-er than normal) sales on my etsy shoppe.

YESSS!!! Black is back (in a matter of speaking) and AWESOME!

Purple perfection, if I do say so myself, and these babes are being shipped to Australia as I type. w00t!!

Golden Slumber - I tried making a cold color which looks more like yellow. Meh, it was alright until my mom  said that the yellow beads looked like *shifty eyes* male genitalia.   Poppycock!

Little orange pseudo-stained glass ones. Mom had nothing snide to say about these little nuggets.

These are the newest stained glass monsters that I've created and are on sale now in my shoppe.
SOMETHING to look forward to...I'll be posting newly knitted/crocheted cowls and more trendy science jewelry!

Take care and play nice.